FICTION: September 17

September 17: A Novel

Author: Amanda West Lewis

Publisher: Red Deer Press

In July 1940, a British government-sponsored program called Children's Overseas Reception Board -- or CORB -- was set up to send children from Britain to Canada and other Commonwealth countries, in order to rescue them from the bombings of British cities. The City of Benares was a luxury liner that was recruited in September 1940 to transport 90 of these children to Canada, along with the ship's regular passenger complement. A convoy of ships including The City of Benares set off from Liverpool in mid-September. Approximately six hundred miles out, after the naval escorts had withdrawn, the ship was torpedoed by a German U-boat and sank in about half an hour. Only thirteen of the CORB children survived the sinking. As a result of this tragedy, the program was cancelled. September 17 is a novel that tells the story of three of the children that were on board The City of Benares, as they experience and survive the disaster and wait to be rescued... Click link to read MORE!


  1. this book was very harsh and it had a lot of of situatioms that were very hard to deal with. I pirticulairly didn't enjoy this book. simply because it was not my style of reading.but it is very good for people who like to read about things that actually happened. -Sophia kozak.

  2. September 17 was a very sad and thrilling book. I've never read a book that was so harsh but I really liked it. I thought it was horrible that kids got sent to another country and most of them left their parents, I would hate to do that. The trip to Canada did not turn out good for many of the kids any many of them died.I loved the book but it was so sad to read. -Daniel Rain

  3. September 17 was definitely not a book for me mostly because it was very confusing.I got confused at the beginning when it started under a rail road witch totally messed me up.-Hugo

  4. I was amazed at how well this was written! The three main characters, Ken, Beth, and Sonia are all so different and yet in the same situation.

  5. This book was a terrific story where young boys and girls were in the CORB program during World War Two and were trying to get from England to Canada without getting submerged. And so they could survive the war.

  6. Well written book, good transitions from point's of views, i thought it was a good bokk.
    Julian B

  7. I loved this book. Even though it was really saddening how many people died. I was really sad when I found out Joyce died, because she had been one of my favorite characters. I liked it because I like fictional history, and it was so realistic. I felt like I was actually there when the boat sunk. In all I think this was a tragic but good book. Great job Amanda West Lewis.

  8. This book was very depressing. It was even more depressing to find out that its a true story. I really liked the description of when the boat sunk and the survival stories told by the different perspectives of the characters. So this was a great book to read all in all.
    ~~~~~~~~~~Daniel Su~~~~~~~~~~
