Non-Fiction: Cat Champions (caring for our feline friends)

Book: Cat Champions: Caring for our Feline Friends

Author: Rob Laidlaw

Publisher: Pajama Press

Link: Silver Birch 2015

Around the world, young people are making a difference in the lives of cats. In Cat Champions: Caring for our Feline Friends, meet kids who are helping at shelters, fostering kittens, volunteering with sterilization programs and caring for abandoned cats. Animal advocate Rob Laidlaw brings readers a hopeful, inspiring look at the issues facing domesticated and feral cats, and the cat champions who are working to help them... Click link to read MORE!


  1. So delightful. It is so amazing how people are spaying and neuturing cats around the world, which is best for them.
    -Piper Beaty

  2. I really enjoyed this book. It also helped me learn about negative effects of declawing cats. I recommend that all cat lovers read this book.
    -Amara Lewis
